Real Relationship Resource Services

Each package includes program registration & a 1-hour intake motivational video interview with a Real Relationship Coach with advanced education and training in social work practice.

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute video consult to help you decide if our services can benefit you!

Monthly fee includes an invite to a monthly Sunday Social in Lacey, WA from 2-5pm . Clients in good standing & registered guests practice skills & engage in games, including D & D.

Virtual classes are professionally led and offered on Tuesday & Wednesdays from 6-7pm. Optional social hour follows for any active clients who wish to interact with each other.

Full prices below- financial assistance for those under 300% FPL may qualify for 25-50% off monthly service fee

Bronze Package

Monthly check-in & quarterly video session + 2 online classes & chat for $ 50 per month- requires 3 months minimum commitment.

Monthly video coaching session & coach check-in +4 online class & chat registrations - $100 month

Silver Package

Gold Package

2 video sessions & coach check-ins 6 online class & chat registrations - $ 200 month

Platinum Package

4 video coaching sessions & check-ins Unlimited class & chat + Planning for romantic experiences- $400 month

Contact us

We will reach out within 48 hours. Include in “text” field if you give us permission to leave a voicemail or contact you by email. No private or protected info to protect your privacy, please. BRIEF messages ONLY, thank you!